Yaupon is just as delicious iced as it is hot! We've been serving iced Yaupon at our events and markets, and we've been getting lots of requests from sweltering Yaupon fans who are parched and want to know how to do iced Yaupon.
Author: Bryon White, (386)-566-3826, Bryon@YauponBrothers.com Company: Yaupon Brothers LLC Source: Member Press Releases Categories: Member Press Releases; May 30, 2019, New York, NY – Yaupon Brothers is pleased to announce the premier of two new herbal tea products made from Florida-native Yaupon Holly, at the 2019 Summer Fancy Food Show in New York. Yaupon is North America’s only native caffeinated plant species, and a delicious and healthy alternative to other caffeinated drinks. For thousands of years, Florida’s native people drank tea made from the native Yaupon holly. It was revered as a sacred bringer of good health and mental and...
Prior to 2015, there was no record of hop production in Florida. Now, in just three short years, Florida has found an ability to produce a crop that is critical to brewing craft beer twice a year, essentially doubling productivity. Research facilities such as the UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in Balm and private commercial production growers like Central Florida Hops in Zellwood (Orange County’s first commercial hopyard) are finding no shortage in demand for locally grown hops, and that a second season harvest allows for continued gains for this highly valued specialty crop. Likewise, breweries — from famed Cigar City in Tampa to Florida beer...
Flower Friday: Yaupon holly Yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) by Eleanor Dietrich Yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) Click on terms for botanical definitions. View as a PDF Yaupon holly is a shrub or tree found in coastal and inland scrub, dunes, floodplains and hammocks. Its diminutive flowers bloom in spring, attracting a variety of bees and other insects. In the fall, abundant fruit production provides food for birds and small mammals. The dense evergreen foliage provides year-round cover for wildlife. Yaupon holly’s flowers are small, white and born in clusters within leaf axils. Simple leaves are oval to elliptic, dark green and typically less than 1 inch...