Is Yaupon better than coffee? Yes!.. and here’s why.
First, let's start with why people (typically) drink coffee.
- Caffeine
- Taste
- Social aspects
When considering coffee alternatives, Yaupon checks all of these boxes and more!
Yaupon contains three primary stimulants; caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline. Typically, a brewed cup of Yaupon contains around 60mg of caffeine, about 1/3 less than coffee. Similar to its tea-cousin, Yerba Mate, Yaupon delivers a ‘jitter-free’ caffeine quality.Taste:
Coffee can sometimes have a bitter taste to it. Brewing coffee is considered by some to be an art form and bitterness can be caused by a multitude of reasons, the most common being:
- Time: brewing the coffee for too long
- Temperature: water that’s too hot
- Quality: stale or poor-quality beans
- Ratio: too much coffee for the amount of water
- Grind: coffee grounds that are too small
Don’t be bitter. Here’s the thing about Yaupon - Yaupon doesn’t have a bitter taste due to its natural lack of tannin. It’s better because:
- You can’t over-steep it. In fact, many people use the same sachet for 2 or 3 cups. Steep and keep.
- The water temperature can’t be too hot- as long as it’s boiling, you’re good.
- Yaupon Brothers blends are hand crafted teas, made from organic Yaupon Holly. Quality comes easy when your product is quali-tea
- No ratios to “get right”. The water ratio just impacts the strength of the tea, which is personal preference, but does not impact bitterness
- Yaupon Brothers teas come in individual tea sachets. One and done, no grinding necessary, we do that for you as part of the processing
A Social Drink
The origins of Yaupon stem from thousands of years ago, when it was at the center of every-day life for the indigenous tribes of what’s now the South East United States. That aside, tea is the second most commonly consumed beverage in the world. One could argue that it’s still at the center of civilization, it just lacks some of the ritualistic purification through purging and Spanish moss loin cloths of centuries ago. Though, to be honest that may make Starbucks visits slightly more entertaining.
To say Yaupon tea is a coffee equivalent, actually does a disservice to Yaupon. Some additional characteristics of this little-known plant species include:
- No oxalates, which can lead to kidney stones in some people
- Cordical stimulants such as theobromine; which has diuretic, stimulant and relaxing effects and is good for your heart, lungs and central nervous system.
- Antioxidants including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, chlorogenic acid, rutin & luteolin; making Yaupon a superfood
- Major component in new cancer research – Yaupon and its anti-inflammatory qualities are being studied for its effects on reducing cancer cells, specifically in the colon and lymphatic system
Yaupon was used as a coffee alternative during the American Civil War. When supply chains were disrupted, Southern soldiers turned to Yaupon as a coffee alternative. After the war, when tea and coffee became available again, people associated Yaupon with poverty, war, hunger and defeat, and Yaupon lost (once again) in the eye of public opinion.
At Yaupon Brothers, we are trying to revive this native industry – and we believe that Yaupon IS simply better.