
Old Florida Brew Boasts Caffeinated Comeback

Old Florida Brew Boasts Caffeinated Comeback

Orlando Sentinel - October 16, 2016 Joy Wallace Dickinson Florida Flashback   I recently saw a humorous birthday card depicting a woman of a certain age, wrapped in a fuzzy bathrobe, who appears poised to pour an entire pot of coffee directly into her mouth. As a shameless caffeine addict, I could relate. And I loved learning about the revival of a caffeine-rich drink with roots deep in Florida's history: yaupon holly tea. "It's the only caffeinated plant native to North America," says Bryon White, who with his brother, Kyle, reintroduced centuries-old yaupon tea into Florida commerce in 2012 for...

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Bryon White
That's some cup of tea: Strong, black brew boasts rich history in Florida

That's some cup of tea: Strong, black brew boasts rich history in Florida

That's some cup of tea: Strong, black brew boasts rich history in Florida An interpreter at Mission San Luis in Tallahassee examines… ( Joy Wallace Dickinson,…) February 3, 2013|Joy Wallace Dickinson, Florida Flashback I drink too much coffee. And I make it strong. It's so strong that members of my family have been known to take a sip and tactfully slip around the corner to the popular shop sometimes known as "Charbucks" in search of a kinder brew. So perhaps my coffee addiction explains my excitement at recently tasting some real Florida caffeine: not coffee but the yaupon holly tea...

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Florida Friendly Plant of the Week: Yaupon Holly

Florida Friendly Plant of the Week: Yaupon Holly

Florida Friendly Plant of the Week: Yaupon Holly LILLY BROWNING Lilly Browning is the Hernando County Florida Friendly Landscaping Program Coordinator Yaupon Holly, Ilex vomitoria, is a great native plant that can be used as a shrub or as a small, specimen tree. They have tiny leaves and produce white, spring through summer flowers. The red fruit provides food for wildlife in the late fall and into the winter. It will grow 15-30 feet tall and 6-20 feet wide. They prefer wet or partially moist soil. They enjoy a sunny to partial sunny location in the landscape. They have a...

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Bryon White
Yaupon Brothers Purchases Land in Central Florida

Yaupon Brothers Purchases Land in Central Florida

Yaupon Brothers is purchasing twelve acres of land in Volusia County, Florida for use as a Yaupon farm. Stay tuned to our webpage to keep apprised of our progress!

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