American Yaupon Association Founded in Austin

American Yaupon Association Founded in Austin

I recently returned from Austin, Texas where I attended the inaugural board meeting of the American Yaupon Association, a non-profit collective of "Yaupontreneurs," (see what I did there), and a group devoted to promoting research, marketing, and advancement of the Yaupon Holly in commerce. I've been working on this association project for a while, but to see all of these fine folks come together to achieve universal success was touching. I really enjoyed the discussion and look forward to many more. 

Soon, the American Yaupon Association will be officially non-profit, with a 501c(5) designation. Then we'll be able to begin raising funds to support the mission of the organization - to bring Yaupon to consumers everywhere!

Visit the American Yaupon Association here

I want to sincerely thank the members of the new association, and especially Texana Yaupon and Cat Spring Yaupon, for their support and assistance in planning this event. Here are the members of the American Yaupon Association, with more to come: 

CatSpring Yaupon - Texas

Lost Pines Yaupon - Texas

Texana Tea Yaupon - Texas

Local Leaf Yaupon Mate  - Texas

Wimberley Tea Company  - Texas

Frank Community Farm - Virginia

Emerald Coast Tea Company - Florida

Shaman's Honor Premium Yaupon Powder - California

Table Rock Tea  - South Carolina 

Yaupon Brothers American Tea - Florida

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