Making Yaupon Brothers tick is a lot of work. Bryon, Kyle and Mark, certainly stay busy, but Yaup-wives and Yaup-moms carry a lot of the weight, and it's about time they received some damn credit.
Yaup-Wife Meg carried literally a thousand boxes of our eco-tubes up the stairs. She's great at organizing, marshaling, and generally being a boss. We need it, because we're a hot mess. When not being a #yaupwife, (a hashtag she created), Meg is busy teaching English to kids in Beijing, managing events for local running shop, The Running Elements, and working for the charity, Girls-on-the-Run. Meg also does Ironman, which is insane. Thanks, Yaup-wife!
Boss lady #2, Mary - Mark's wife Mary is pretty much a genius. She has a Master's in speech pathology and is more than proficient at keeping us in fine form. Mary has also made over a hundred ceramic Yaupon Brothers mugs, BY HAND! She's always working hard in our shop, picking up our slack and coming up with better ideas we haven't thought of. Mary is also a part-owner of Yaupon Brothers, so she really is the boss lady! But the best boss lady...Thanks, Mary!
Yaup-Mom, Maryann has been around since the very beginning, (obviously). She's seen it all, from conceptual Yaupon to blossoming brand, she's lent hands, heart and soul to our business. Maryann also has a successful business of her own, selling hand-made fishing apparel. You can check out her wares here. We love ya, Yope mom!
Yaup-Gram, JoAnn was a huge supporter of Yaupon Brothers, and made history by leaping atop a table when we won the UCF Small Venture Competition in 2017. She frequently worked in our factory doing everything she could to help us sling the Yaup. JoAnn was taken from us this year by a rare and poorly-understood cancer called Ocular Melanoma. Please read more about supporting OM research here.
Thank you to the special ladies behind Yaupon Brothers!