Yaupon Tea - Say What?
At Yaupon Brothers we’ve heard many creative pronunciations of our namesake, the Yaupon Holly. For those of us who are not plant aficionados already familiar with yaupon, it’s hard to know how to pronounce the name of this American tea… “yo - pon” Hear it here
A Yaupon Rhyme:
Don Juan got his Yaupon in Taiwan. He got turned on to Yaupon by a python who drank it in a salon.
It’s hard to get it right when there are a lot of different pronunciations out there…even Google pronunciation has it wrong! How NOT to say Yaupon
At the farmer’s market, you can often hear one of our co-founders, Mark explain the pronunciation by referencing the linguistic specialist, Rocky… Yaupon is like “Yo, Adrian”...
We aren’t the first company that’s had to help customers pronounce product names… but if Worcestershire sauce can make it, we are hopeful too!